A veritable mountain of Northumberland-scrumped rhubarb goes into this delicious gose-style sour beer. A rhubarb tartness balanced with locally picked damsons and plums, Holy Island Sea Salt and a dash of coriander creates this highly drinkable summer delight.
This beer is part of our made with Northumberland range which celebrate the beautiful, untamed land where we live and brew. It is brewed with foraged and locally sourced ingredients.
Splendid beer, great for a hot day at the brewery or at home! Sour but not too sour, not too sweet, definitely refreshing, makes one wonder if there’s reall 4% alcohol in there.
Refreshingly different
Lovely sour flavour. Very refreshing on a hot day.
Andrew Firth
What’s not to like
Love rhubarb, love sours, match made in heaven😊
Made With Northumberland
Our beers celebrate the beautiful, untamed landscape where we live and work.